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The Goal and Purpose of Steinreich Bibleschool

The purpose of SBS is to teach and train students, who are interested in deeper biblical understanding, mission work and church planting.


This school is founded on the traditional theology of the Anabaptist-Mennonite doctrine.

The Steinreich Bible School is also a place where you can up-grade or further your education.  We teach German Language arts and also offer Spanish and English language courses. Knowing at least one language “well” is the key to understanding more and studying successfully.


Goals for Spiritual Growth:


-  Teaching and studying the Word of God so that students get to know Jesus, grow closer to Him and learn to follow in His foot steps.


-  Teaching and encouraging the students to work on personal/spiritual growth.


-  Training and preparing the students to serve the Lord in the churches and preach the gospel on the mission fields.  Jesus says in Matt. 9, 37-38: 37 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Jesus gives the Great Commission Matt. 28:19,20: 19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The Bible school is a place where we are equipped with the word of God and prepared to go and teach others. It is also a place for those who already serve as pastors but would like to be more equipped and fit for that position. And also for those who have various other responsibilities in the churches, schools or on the mission fields. Paul says in: 2. Timothy 2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.  In verse 15 he says:  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved; a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

In the bible school we want to train capable and efficient workers to “correctly handle the word of truth”.

Because the church of Jesus Christ has been instructed by Jesus himself to carry out the great commission, we want to equip those who teach and preach the word of God and give them a biblical foundation; and “entrust the Word to reliable people who qualify to teach others.”




-   Responsibility: All of our values are christian responsibilities to which we are called.


-   Connection: Connect with one another.


-   Acceptance: Accept the person the person, not the package.


-   Teamwork: Everyone pulls in the same direction.


-   Respect: Respect one another´s differences, opinions and authority.


-   Honesty: Be honest in your words and in your ways.


-   Hospitality: Make everyone feel welcome.


-   Punctuality: Be on time.


-   Cleanliness: Clean yourself, your act and your environment.


-   Peacemaker: Make peace, wherever you go.


-   Justice: Stand up for what is right.


-   Love: Matthew 22:37


Fundaments of our Teachings

We accept the whole bible and the “Apostles’ creed” (The Christian statement of faith) as the truth.


1. We believe in God, the eternal Spirit, who revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


2. We believe in Jesus Christ,  the eternal Son of God, full of grace and truth, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary; Thus He was true God and true man He lived a perfect, holy and sinless life, suffered crucifixion and death for our sin and rose again. He will come back to establish His eternal Kingdom.


3. We believe in the immortality of the soul, the resurrection from the dead and our eternal condition determined by God’s righteous judgement.


4. We accept the Old and New Testaments as the infallible Word of God and the only authoritative Guide for the faith and life of Christian discipleship.


5. We are saved by the grace of God through faith in Christ. Saving faith involves the surrendering of your will to Christ, fully trusting Him, and a joyful obedience to His Word as a faithful disciple.


6. We believe that Jesus lived and taught according to the recorded biblical ethics, presenting God’s plan for each individual. We accept His command to every believer to live by His example, portraying the love and the holiness of God in our personal and social life. We believe that this lifestyle also demands defencelessness against evil through worldly means, fullest understanding of love and the absolute exclusion of applicable forces, including warfare. We further believe that the Christian way of life in word and in deed must clearly differ from the way of living of the world. 


7. We believe in the power of God and in prayer as a means of communicating with God, emerging from the desires of the heart to do God’s will.   


8. We believe that the church is one body of believers regenerated by faith in Christ and cleansed by His blood; being baptized by His Spirit and separated to God as members of this body, whose head is Christ.


9. We believe in brotherhood of the redeemed under the Fatherhood of God in Christ Jesus.

Statement of Faith

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Lord, who was prophesied to Israel

He became flesh and lived among us declaring the kingdom of God.

He chose and taught his disciples.

He died on the cross to deliver us from sin’s power;

He rose again from the dead to give us hope and eternal life.

Seated on the right hand of God, He reins in heaven; He, the one, that came to judge and bring righteousness


We believe in God, His Father

-who raised Him from the dead,

-the creator and sustainer of the universe,

-Who helps his children in time of need,

-who desires that all be redeemed and -who appoints the destiny of people and nations.

He, who will always continue to love his people, even if they reject Him.


We believe in the Holy Spirit, the form in which God reveals Himself to the church.

-who converts people to faith and draws them to obedience;

-who gives us assurance of salvation,

-who guides us to do the will of God; --who supports those that pray to him and reveals wisdom to us and drives us to unity.


We believe that God has called us to minister to others,

-invite them to come follow Christ,

-to encourage them to fully commit their lives to God and

-to proclaim the forgiveness of sin and the living hope;

-To call people to reconciliation with God.

-To testify that the power of love is greater then that of hatred.

-To proclaim Jesus as Lord over all and to bring purpose to ordinary life.

-To peacefully suffer for the sake of righteousness until the end the days,


until the end of time.

For His Glory!




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